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MITRE PRE-ATT&CK matrix used to be its own standalone matrix.

  • Contained a collection of tactics and techniques.

  • Mapped to the Recon and Weaponize stages of the cyber kill chain.

Now, PRE-ATT&CK is the first two stages of the MITRE ATT&CK for the Enterprise framework.

  • Reconnaissance

  • Resource Development

PRE-ATT&CK: Reconnaissance

The first stage of PRE-ATT&CK focuses on gathering target information from a variety of different sources:

  • Active Scanning

  • Gather Victim Host information

  • Gather Victim Identity information

  • Gather Victim Network information

  • Gather Victim Organization information

  • Phishing for info

  • Search closed sources

  • Search Open Technical Databases

  • Search Open Website/Domains

  • Search Victim-owned websites.

PRE-ATT&CK: Resource Development

The second stage of PRE-ATT&CK involves the attacker developing or acquiring the tools need to perform their attack:

  • Acquire Access

  • Acquire Infrastructure

  • Compromise Accounts

  • Compromise Infrastructure

  • Develop Capabilities

  • Establish Accounts

  • Obtain Capabilities

  • Stage Capabilities

The Resource Development tactic of PRE-ATT&CK largely occurs on the attacker's infrastructure.

  • No Interaction with target systems for defenders to detect.

  • Depends heavily on attacker's goals and resources.

Network Scanning

Network Scanning is a method of learning a Network’s architecture.

  • Port Scanning - Scanning for Open ports in the network.

  • Banner Collection - Many applications print banners stating info about themselves, e.g., SSH Server [the software in-use version number].

  • Vulnerability Scanner - Scanning for vulnerabilities.

*Scapy – A python lib designed for working with network traffic.


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